ANNUAL HOMA 2024 - New Horizon Gurukul



In many cultures, especially in Hinduism and other Indian religions, hawan is highly revered. Hawan is a deeply ingrained tradition with strong spiritual overtones and symbolism.

Homa has been a ritualistic practice at New Horizon Gurukul for many years. This year, it took place in the school’s lobby and auditorium from January 9–January 25, 2024. Ethnic clothes were the dress code for students in all grades.

The respective class teachers of each class helped the students under the direction of panditji as they prepared the offerings for the Homa. Saraswati and Ganesha vandana were the focal points of the homa.

Students recited mantras and shlokas in a joyful mood. As a blessing, Kalava was tied around their wrists by panditji. As the hawan drew to an end, prasadam was given to each and every student as well as the teachers.