Annual Sports day ‘22 - New Horizon Gurukul


Annual Sports day ‘22

Sport mirrors life, they say. Its trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows, hopes and losses… are all reminiscent of what life takes us through. Sport builds and reveals character of humans. It also serves as a great teacher, mentor, and motivator.

New Horizon Gurukul celebrated its Annual Sports Day on 23rd and 24th of December at New Horizon College of Engineering ground amidst great enthusiasm and camaraderie for the secondary and primary students respectively. The program was held in the presence of our honourable chief guests Mr. Dhanvir Singh (on 23rd) and Mr. J. Santhosh Kumar, Sports Development Officer (on 24th) presided over by the
principal, Ms. Sandhya Singh. A large gathering of proud parents was present to witness the grand event.

The event had its grand opening at 8.30 am with lighting of the lamp and hoisting of our school flag by the chief guest. This was followed by a glorious and synchronised march past by all the four houses, Agni, Jal, Prithvi and Vayu, oath taking by the council members and the lighting of the torch. The Annual Sports Meet was then declared open by the chief guest. There were vivid field displays like dance drill, yoga and Mixed Martial Arts alternated by energetic track events by Primary and Secondary grade students. The most entertaining part of the event was the field display involving mass student participation.

The award ceremony came soon after and the achievers were awarded with medals, trophies and certificates. Prithvi house was declared the overall ‘Best House’ in the sports events.

At the closing ceremony, the house flags and school flag were handed over to the principal by the council members and the Annual Sports Meet was declared closed. The blazing flame that hit the retreat was then put to rest. During the event refreshments and snacks were distributed. The day came to an end with happy faces of proud parents and students