Basics of the Indian Constitution – a Quiz - New Horizon Gurukul


Basics of the Indian Constitution – a Quiz

Basics of the Indian Consti

The Indian Constitution or the Civics book in your case seems so intimidating and vast. According to many it is dry and has too many sub-sections. But this is what brings any sort of equilibrium to us as a society and channels the bad to good. Hence, it is important for all of us to know the rules. Beyond rules and regulations, the constitution also helps us fully understand what our rights are and when we can raise our voice to shun down wrong doers or wrong doing.

Here are 15 Indian constitution questions with answers that will lay a solid foundation for the rest of your study!

  1. The constitution of India came into effect on:

26 January 1950

  1. The constitution of India was enacted by the Constituent Assembly on:

26 Nov. 1949

  1. Who amongst the following is sovereign in India?

We, the people of India

  1. The expression equal protection of laws in Article 14 of the Indian Constitution has been taken from:

American Constitution

  1. The Constitution of India was drafted and enacted in which language?


  1. India is said to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. The words “socialist” and “secular” were added to the definition in a year:


  1. Indian Independence Act, passed by the British Parliament on:

18 July 1947

  1. Who hand wrote the original Indian Constitution

Prem Behari Narain Raizada

  1. Which country is India’s federal system related to?


  1. How was the Constituent Assembly of India formed?

Indian Independence Act, passed by the British Parliament on A. 18 July 1947

  1. Which article gives constitutional status to the panchayat

Article 243

  1. In the year 1956, the states in India were reorganized, under which criteria?

Linguistic and Cultural uniformity

  1. The idea of including liberty and fraternity in the Indian constitution was inspired by which country?


  1. What is known as Lower House?

Lok Sabha

  1. Under whose direct supervision is the Lok Sabha secretariat?

Speaker of Lok Sabha

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