COMMERX-22 - New Horizon Gurukul



CommerX’22 was New Horizon Gurukul’s first-ever commerce fest. It was a twoday event held on 7th and 8th of February 2022. Four events, namely, Xchange, Xigency, Xfinity, and Amex were organized as part of CommerX’22. The event was headed by eleventh and twelfth graders.

The fest was inaugurated on 07-02-2022, with a welcome speech by the Abhay Kumar of Grade 12. The Chief guest, Mr. Jayshankar, Head of Dept.-Accounts addressed the gathering.

Highlights of CommerX’22.

1. XCHANGE-Trading Event
Xchange was held on 7th February, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. It was headed by Nithya.S(Grade 12) and Kashish.K(Grade 11). The event was aimed for participants to showcase their talents in bidding and auction, as well as product manufacturing and sales.

2. XIGENCY-Crisis Management Event
Exigency was also held on 7th February, from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm. It was headed by Srinitha.S(Grade 12) and Varshitha.K(Grade 11). This event was focussed on testing the crisis management, teamwork, and critical thinking ability of the students.

3. AMEX- Stock Market Event
Amex was held on 8th February,from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.It was headed by Vijay.A(Grade 12) and Dharshana.S(Grade 11). The event was based on the knowledge of stock market. The participants had to decide whether to sell or hold their stocks. The participant with the highest portfolio value was declared the winner.

4. XFINITY-Product Innovation Event
Xfinity was held on 8th February, from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. It was headed by Yashitha.S(Grade 12) and Prabhas.R(Grade 11). This event was held to judge the students’ product innovation capability and their ability to create a joint venture.

The fest came to an end with the distribution of appreciation certificates to all the winners, the event heads, and the logistic members. The Secondary Grade Coordinator, Ms. Chitralekha, and the Principal, Ms. Sandhya Singh congratulated the students on the success of the event.