Field Trip- Enchanting Acres - New Horizon Gurukul


Field Trip- Enchanting Acres

A one-day field trip to Enchanting Acres was organized for students of grade II on 13th and 14th of September 2023. The primary objectives of this field trip were to help students reconnect with nature, to pet and feed the animals and to try the adventurous games and rides.

At Enchanting Acres, kids’ exciting day started with a hearty breakfast followed by petting and feeding the animals and birds. The students had the chance to engage in adventurous activities like rock climbing and were able to connect with nature’s most magnificent creatures. They had fun with the leaf spray painting and the tractor ride. Children gathered various shapes and colours of leaves to create beautiful cards to carry back home and had an exhilarating experience of traveling in the tractor. The students also got a chance to get their tiny hands dirty by making pots. Under the guidance of a skilled potter, they experienced the art of working with a real potter’s wheel. The field trip concluded with a scrumptious lunch.