Ganesha Homa - New Horizon Gurukul


Ganesha Homa

New Horizon Gurukul organized the Ganesh Homa on 25th September 2023 in the gracious presence of the honourable chairman Dr. Mohan Manghnani.

The entire crowd resonated with the powerful prayer “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha”, as they gathered to offer aarti, seek the blessing of the lord, and ask for guidance in removing all obstacles and facilitating success in various endeavors.

Presence of all the staff members and students in traditional attire, fragrance of fresh flowers and incense,the beautiful dance performances by our students and an awe- inspiring idol of Vinayaka at the centre of the entire set up rendered a pure bliss.

All the attendees with a heart filled with an impeccable sense of peace, had prasadam distributed at the end of the Ganesh Homa.