GYANMELA 2023: Decoding Bharat - New Horizon Gurukul


GYANMELA 2023: Decoding Bharat

‘Learning is not the product of teaching, it is the product of the activity of learners.’

 New Horizon Gurukul commemorated Republic Day with authentic Indian spirit by organizing “Gyan Mela 2023,” where the students decoded our nation’s rich cultural, social, intellectual, and spiritual history. The knowledge fair was spread over two days, 26th and 27th January 2023. Mr. Surya Bajaj, President, New Horizon Gurukul, inaugurated the event. Dr. Mohan Manghnani, Chairman, New Horizon Gurukul, visited the classrooms to applaud the students’ efforts on the second day.

At the very inception of Gyanmela, the vision was to provide a bedrock for students to experiment with their knowledge and showcase their skills. With an umbrella theme of ‘Decoding Bharat’; students got a chance for cross-curricular and inquiry-based learning. To find out the lesser-known facts about India, they engaged with locally sourced objects and formed connections with community, while supporting our cultural diversity and heritage.

As the fair started, the entire campus was bedecked with the buzz of the theme. The abundance of magnificent exhibitions, diverse dance forms, interesting activities, colourful stalls, and skits restored and revitalised the dormant pride of being a Bhartiya! From representing India’s rich heritage of dance forms, history of Indian English Literature, India’s contribution to space research through planetarium booth, history and advancement in mathematics forum, contributions by ancient yoga, economics and money matters, Vedic period and temples, to renditions of epics in Indian Literature and a ton more; the students didn’t leave any stone unturned.

Today, the challenge out there is not only limited to having knowledge, but it is also more about how impeccably one can present that. We could see quality and content of students’ work at lengths. The viewers appreciated each display as it featured beautifully decorated classrooms. The children presented their topics confidently and impressed everyone.

Creativity has now slaved knowledge and this fact was firmly realised as this event was a learning experience for everyone and gave an opportunity to enhance the creative minds.