How to Get Your Kids To Help Around the House - New Horizon Gurukul


How to Get Your Kids To Help Around the House

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Five Ways to Get Your Kids to Help Around the House

Chores…no one likes them, no one fancies or looks forward to completing them be they, adults or kids. It is backbreaking and monotonous, and let’s all just come out and admit it…Boring. Unpleasant as it is, it is also the one task that if ignored will lead to more complicated troubles like a pack of toppling dominoes. A clean and tidy house is pivotal for the overall health and well-being of a family. “I’ll do it later” is a common phrase that echoes across households with children when they are asked to assist with household chores.

When children pitch in to tackle household work, not only does it promote a healthy way of life for the family but also creates a perfect synergy in the relationship between parents and children. Credible research verified over time has told us that chores play an important part in a child’s development by teaching it valuable life skills, responsibility, and how to work together in a group. “Chores teach children how to do tasks that they will need throughout their lives — like doing laundry and the dishes. And they teach skills that will benefit them in the classroom and on the sports field, such as how to work together and be a part of a team,” says Caroline Mendel, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute.

Child psychologists emphasize the importance of starting early in this regard as toddlers are very altruistic by nature when they are young. Kids are seen to go out of their way to help out and their exuberant energy makes up for the mighty mess they are likely to engender. This nature of theirs needs to be tapped in and harnessed and the best age to do that is when they are around 3 or 4. Do that and you are bound to have additional reliable help around the house.

This leads us to the million-dollar question. Is it pragmatic and if so, how do you go about implementing it? Read on to find out five foolproof methods to get your kids to do their chores.

Start by bestowing on them an honorary title

The key to persuading your kids to do more around the house is to honor them with an official title. Have fun with your kids picking up goofy names for the venture handed out to them and you will marvel at how subtle tricks can go a long way to get them working. Researchers have discovered that when given a title, kids are more likely to help when compared to kids who were simply asked to assist without a title thrown in. A positive title will go a long way as it will reinforce the belief in kids that their input is valued and appreciated. Furthermore, they will try to emulate the same level of enthusiasm and sincerity at any other time.

Engage them the right way and the right way is starting early

With the exception of infants and toddlers, kids of practically any age can assist around the house, but the golden rule to follow is that their jobs should be age appropriate. Older kids can take on more difficult activities like cleaning the house or pruning the yard while younger kids can do basic things like putting away their toys or feeding the pets. The earlier you seek their assistance, the sooner it will become routine for them. Therefore, start early dear parents. You are doing yourself a favor there.

Set up a schedule, but vary the jobs they perform.

Ask for their assistance frequently in addition to acquiring it early. Even just once or twice a week, performing a few quick tasks at the same time each week is enough to make it a predictable part of their schedule. Mix up their tasks a little bit while still keeping things within their pattern. You may ask them what they’d like to do, draw assignments out of a hat, or come up with another method to change up their duties a little. Never forget to give your children chores that are appropriate for their age and skill level. If you’re co-parenting, think about incorporating duties into both households’ routines, but feel free to switch up their responsibilities in each home occasionally. Getting monotonous is undesirable for all…. even more so for children. Bear that in mind.

Teach them by example

It is unfair to expect a youngster to complete a task without first teaching them how to do it. Show your kids the proper and safe ways to clean, wash, clear, and perform other household activities. Additionally, be certain that they are aware of your expectations for the task’s completion. Be specific with your expectations so that your children understand exactly what is expected of them. In light of this, try not to be too harsh with your children when they don’t complete a task completely. Offer your help if your children complain or show signs of frustration when the task assigned is too difficult or if they need support. Lend a hand to demonstrate how to do it rather than making them do it alone. It is not a military school after all. Use the opportunity to foster the idea that you got your child’s back.

Set reminders and express gratitude.

Even though it’s a regular part of their schedule, youngsters will probably try to avoid chores if they can. You shouldn’t count on someone to do something if you don’t ask them to. Please remind your children to complete the chores they have been given. Try to stay optimistic and ask politely, saying “please” and “thank you.” Tell your children how proud you are of their efforts and how well they completed their assignments. This will lessen the negative connotations that your children may have about doing chores.

Even though performing domestic chores might not be the most enjoyable part of a child’s day, by learning how to do them, they are preparing themselves to live independently in the future. Naturally, it is up to you as the parent to determine whether or not your children will assist you around the house, but if you decide to do so, these tips can be useful.

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