

Event Details:

On Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, New Horizon Gurukul held its Investiture Ceremony, a formal inauguration of the student council for the academic year 2024-25. The event commenced with an address emphasizing the critical roles of leadership and responsibility. Principal, faculty, student body, and parents all convened to celebrate this momentous occasion. The newly elected student council members marched in with a unified presence, their coordinated steps symbolizing their commitment to their newly assumed roles. In a display of trust and delegation, office bearers received badges from the Principal, coordinators, and house in-charges, respectively. The ceremony culminated in the oath-taking ceremony, where the student council pledged to uphold the school’s values and faithfully fulfill their duties. This solemn vow underscored their dedication to serving their peers and the broader school community. Following the oath, the school captain, R B Kaushik, delivered a speech, promising dedicated service to both students and the school. A commemorative photo session captured these significant moments, solidifying the milestone for the new council.The well-organized event left a lasting impression on all attendees and setthe stage for a year of growth, responsibility, and impactful leadership for the newly elected student council.

Student Council Members

1. School captain (Girls)-Nandita Muralidharan
2. School captain (Boys)-RB Kaushik
3. SchoolVice Captain(Girls)-Advika Jha
4. SchoolVice Captain(Boys)-Sannidhya Shreyam
5. Sports Captain(Girls)-RiyanaRajiv
6. Sports Captain(Boys)-VinayakNag
7. Cultural Secretary(Girls)-U Anugraha
8. Cultural Secretary(Boys)-Dheep Somaiah
9. SchoolEditor(Girls)-Abhijna Midatana
10. SchoolEditor(Boys)-Pranav Sriraman
11. Green Ambassador(Girls)-Gautam R
12.Green Ambassador(Boys)-Diya Kamath
13.Agni House Captain(Girls)-Neha Gopinath
14.Agni House Captain(Boys)-Mithun Lingaraj

15.Agni House Vice-Captain(Girls)-Aasra Bharadwaj
16.Agni House Vice-Captain(Boys)-Anantha Krishna R
17.Jal House Captain(Girls)-Nishka Muralidhara
18.Jal House Captain(Boys)-Aditya Nair
19.Jal House Vice-Captain(Girls)-Hridaya Shekhar Iyer
20.Jal House Vice-Captain(Boys)-R Dhruvin Reddy
21.Prithvi House Captain(Girls)-Yukti Kapoor
22.Prithvi House Captain(Boys)-Siddharth Kudva Karkala
23.Prithvi House Vice-Captain(Girls)-SaiSri Pranavi
24.Prithvi House Vice-Captain(Boys)-Aarnav Mathur
25.Vayu House Captain(Girls)-AnushkaSharma
26.Vayu House Captain(Boys)-Hriyankk Menon
27.Vayu House Vice-Captain(Girls)-Bhavya Srinivasan
28.Vayu House Vice-Captain(Boys)-Adarsh Balaji

Junior Captains

1. Agni House Captain(Girls)-Aadhya Shetty
2. Agni House Captain(Boys)-Amogh Prasad
3. Jal House Captain(Girls)-Aadya Srinivasan
4. Jal House Captain(Boys)-Nanjayyan Dhruti

5. Prithvi House Captain(Girls)-SaanviSubi
6. Prithvi House Captain(Boys)-P Krish Raghavan
7. Vayu House Captain(Girls)-Akshara Gupta
8. Vayu House Captain(Boys)-Ayushman Dhal