Spell Bee Intl. Level 4 Winners at NH Gurukul


New Horizon Gurukul takes pride in announcing the winners of the highly anticipated competition- Spell Bee International level 4

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New Horizon Gurukul takes pride in announcing the winners of the highly anticipated competition- Spell Bee International level 4. These winners demonstrated their exceptional spelling skills and secured a well-deserved position. The winners were awarded trophies, certificates, and a set of some splendid books.


S.NoNameClass & SectionPosition
1.Nishanth Ramkumar2 C1st
2.Prarthana Jyoti Anand6 A3rd
3.Vihan Vikas Mastud6 D3rd
4.Nehal Chourasia8 C5th
5.Navraj Sood3 D6th
6.Ritwik Biswas5 C9th
7.Darshini Sola9 C9th