Education and Career Choices in the Field of Psychology

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BLOG Education and Career Choices in the Field of Psychology Did you know? The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that suicide is the third most common cause of death in India among 15–29-year olds. WHO also reports that USD 1.03 trillion is the estimated economic loss due to mental health conditions, between the years […]

5 Factors that Affect the Learning Process


BLOG 5 Factors that Affect the Learning Process Have you ever wondered why each child is different? We often hear that each child is different, and we must not compare them based on behavior, grades, mannerisms, etc. But why so? How do 40+ students studying in the same class, being taught by the same teacher […]

Basics of the Indian Constitution – a Quiz

Basics of the Indian Consti

BLOG Basics of the Indian Constitution – a Quiz The Indian Constitution or the Civics book in your case seems so intimidating and vast. According to many it is dry and has too many sub-sections. But this is what brings any sort of equilibrium to us as a society and channels the bad to good. […]

How many geography questions can you get right – with answers

How many geography questions can you get right with answers

BLOG How many geography questions can you get right – with answers The world is huge. It is nearly impossible to know everything about landscape when explorers are still discovering new things on a daily basis. However, there are certain details about the world that every student is asked to have. This knowledge gives you […]

Tips on how to avoid peer pressure

Tips on how to avoid peer pressure

BLOG Tips on how to avoid peer pressure School can be challenging at times for children. Aside from rigorous academics and the pressure of scoring well in class, many students face peer pressure from their classmates. There’s a thin line between peer pressure and bullying although they seem quite similar. Bullying is when a person […]

Students of New Horizon – An Interview with Aashish Joshi

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BLOG Students of New Horizon – An Interview with Aashish Joshi Some of the best memories we have are from our school and all of us hope that our children have the same fulfilling experience one day too. New Horizon Gurukul is a school synonymous with nurturing of character and development of a holistic personality. […]

How to Get Your Kids To Help Around the House

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BLOG How to Get Your Kids To Help Around the House Five Ways to Get Your Kids to Help Around the House Chores…no one likes them, no one fancies or looks forward to completing them be they, adults or kids. It is backbreaking and monotonous, and let’s all just come out and admit it…Boring. Unpleasant […]

Equity in the classroom


BLOG Equity in the classroom What is the difference between equality and equity? Though they sound similar, they are not the same. It is the variance between being fair and being equal. Maintaining equity in the classroom is no child’s play. It calls for conscious effort and sensitivity. Equality is providing every student with the […]

Paradigm shifts in the map of Intelligence Quotient


BLOG Paradigm shifts in the map of Intelligence Quotient By teaching people to tune in to their emotions with intelligence and to expand their circles of caring, we can transform organizations from the inside out and make a positive difference in our world— Daniel Goleman In the ever-evolving human psyche and progress, there is constant change […]

Essential Life Skills for Students

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BLOG Essential Life Skills for Students What are Life Skills? The phrase “life skills” refers to a collection of fundamental abilities acquired through education or practical application that empowers both individuals and organizations to successfully address concerns and problems that are frequently faced in daily life. They include ingenuity, rational reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, the capacity […]